
Find graduate jobs

Updated on 17 May 2024

An overview of the different resources you can use to find a graduate job.

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Graduate roles fall into three main categories.

Graduate training schemes

Graduate Training schemes available with a mixture of different industries and sectors but can predominantly be found within larger employers in accountancy, professional services, engineering, manufacturing, transport, retail, media, pharmaceuticals, finance, IT and the public sector.  A graduate scheme is a structured training programme run by an employer to develop future leaders of their organisation. They normally last between one and two years (although they can be longer).

As a trainee, you'll benefit from being handed responsibility from the outset, an opportunity to gain real hands-on experience and develop a broad understanding of your chosen profession, as well as receiving support in building key skills.

Graduates are expected to adhere to the business needs of the employer. The scheme may be focused on a specific job role or split into time-specific placements, and this could involve working across various business functions, teams and possibly locations - so a large degree of flexibility is required.

Graduate positions

Graduate positions can also be found in smaller to medium sized organisations where the recruitment demand is not enough for a formal graduate scheme but the position requires the successful candidate to be educated to degree level. Training will often be an integral part of this role but will likely be on the job or ad-hoc training as part of the wider company training plan and performance appraisal. These roles are more likely to be found through standard recruitment websites and will often require job seekers to review application person specifications to determine if they are a graduate level position. They generally will not be advertised with “graduate” in the job title.

Some links to start with the job search are listed below.

Other entry level positions

In some sectors where it may prove challenging to secure permanent, paid employment entry level positions can be undertaken by graduates to build up experience in specific sectors. An entry-level job is generally a role suitable for someone with little or no work experience in that area, this experience may include a variety of voluntary positions and internships whilst at university and a number of short term contracts, or even some short term volunteering, after graduation. A degree may be an advantage but might not be relevant, entry-level jobs could also be open to school leavers.

You can build up your experience whilst at university to enhance your CV and create useful employer contacts.

Book an appointment with a Careers Adviser if you need support

Dundee University Temporary Employees (DUTE)

The Dundee University Temporary Employees (DUTE) scheme offers graduates the opportunity to apply for temporary paid employment within the university.