
Support for students who are dealing with gender-based violence

Updated on 13 May 2024

Whether you’ve experienced gender-based violence recently or in the past, the University of Dundee is here to support you to take whichever steps you want to take next.

On this page
Is it an emergency?

If you are off-campus and it’s an emergency please call the emergency services on 999.

If you are on campus and it’s an emergency which requires an ambulance please call the Security emergency line on +44 (0)1382 384141 and the Security Team will connect you to an ambulance.

If no ambulance is required please contact the Security Team on +44 (0)1382 385850 or if you are close by to one of the Assistance points installed around campus, press the red button to be connected to the Security Team.

Raise a concern form

Please use this online form to raise any concerns you have about a member of staff, student or other member of the University of Dundee community.

See also: Gender Based Violence- support for staff

Gender-based violence (GBV) is a term that covers a range of abuse and can include:

  • domestic abuse
  • rape and sexual assault
  • child sexual abuse
  • stalking, sexual harassment and intimidation
  • commercial sexual exploitation including prostitution, pornography and trafficking
  • dowry-related abuse
  • female genital mutilation
  • forced marriage
  • non-consensual intimate image sharing

Gender-based violence can affect anyone at any point during their lives. It affects people in different ways but it can often lead to victim/survivors feeling alone, isolated, angry and worried. It can also lead to depression, anxiety, flashbacks, sleep problems, problems with eating, and being unable to concentrate.


We understand that experiencing gender-based violence can be extremely isolating, frightening, and upsetting. We are committed to ensuring that our campuses are a safe place and that we support students to achieve their full potential. We have made our statement on GBV available. If you have been affected by gender-based violence and would like to speak to someone you can expect to be treated with respect and in a non-judgemental and supportive environment.

On campus

If you have experienced gender-based violence, you can access support from the Enquiry Centre, where you will be able to speak, in confidence, to a member of the Student Support Team

Our team are trained and experienced professionals who will be able to offer support and guidance. They won’t pressure you to do anything but will discuss your options and support you to make the best decision for you.

Getting in touch

Complete our online form

You and a member of our team will agree on a plan including any immediate safety provisions which need to be put in place, as well as considering what support is needed for your mental and physical health. After this conversation you might then want to access other services available to you on campus including:

Support off campus

There are several local organisations who can support you and the Student Support Team can help you to explore options for support off-campus.

You can also speak to a specialist organisation.

Reporting an incident to the police

If you decide you want to report this incident to the police please call 101 if it is a non-emergency situation or 999 if it is an emergency situation.

Non-emergency situations

If you are considering making a report, Police Scotland have prepared some useful advice on sexual crimes and domestic abuse.

Because police investigations and any court process can take some time to complete, it is important that you set up support during this period either on or off-campus. You might also find the Scottish Government’s publication about help and support after rape or sexual assault helpful.

We can offer you support to report this to the police. Please contact the Enquiry Centre.  

You might also want to speak to one of the external organisations listed above to discuss making a report to the police if you aren't yet sure whether you want to.

Reporting at a later date

For cases of rape or sexual assault, you might feel unsure about reporting to the police but would like to keep this option open in the future.

The NHS Scotland sexual assault phone service can provide information about support options following a rape or sexual assault. You can self-refer to this service. The service may be able to arrange for you to have a forensic medical examination (FME) at a SARCS without making a report to the police. For more information please read the guide on the NHS website.

Reporting to the University

If you have experienced gender-based violence and the perpetrator was another student or member of staff you might want to report this to the University of Dundee. We take all reports of gender-based violence seriously and it could lead to the incident being investigated under the Student Discipline Procedure.

If you want to report an incident please use the online reporting form in the link below. Alternatively you might want to meet with a member of the Student Support Team to discuss this. Information about Safeguarding and this form can be found on our Safeguarding web page.

If a criminal investigation of the same incident is underway, the University might wait to conduct its own investigation to ensure it does not interfere in due process. However, where there might be any immediate safety concerns, the University would act.

If you do not want to name the perpetrator then please be aware that the action the University can take will be limited. Support will still be available to you and your right not to reveal the name or details of the perpetrator will be respected. You might want to contact Crimestoppers where you can make an anonymous report.

Raise a concern