
Get support from external service EmployAbility

Updated on 2 July 2024

Find out what services are available and register with EmployAbility.

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If you are a current university student or a recent graduate with a neurodivergent, mental health or long term-health condition, or physical, sensory or any other disability, you can register with our external partner EmployAbility to access free support and a range of opportunities.  

Services available: 

  • If your mental health condition, neurodivergence or other disability has impacted your grades, you’ve had gaps in your education or haven’t been able to get work experience, you may need advice about how to explain this when making job applications. Our disability partner EmployAbility can help you explain these differences positively to potential employers, ensuring you get the adjustments you need, whilst protecting your privacy.
  • If you have a disability and have been invited to a job interview, you are entitled to ask for adjustments, such as that interview being in a different format. This can be helpful for those with physical disabilities, neurodivergence, long-term health conditions and mental health conditions. Our disability partner EmployAbility can advise you on which adjustments may be most helpful and talk to any employer on your behalf to ensure you get the adjustments you need. 
  • If you have a non-visible disability such as a neurodivergence or mental health condition, you are entitled to adjustments for tests, interviews and assessment centre exercises. Our disability partner EmployAbility can speak to a potential employer on your behalf so that assessors do not make wrong assumptions or hold behaviours, which are linked to your condition, against you. 
  • First year, internship and graduate programmes, vacation schemes, and training contracts with our inclusive employer partners.
  • Individualised adjustments advice for the recruitment process and the workplace- you can book 1-1 appointments with a specialist adviser.
  • Reduce stress by advocating on your behalf with any employer, to ensure you get your adjustments, whilst protecting your right to privacy.
  • Skills workshops for applications, interviews and assessment centre exercises.
  • Networking events and employer insight days to get a better understanding of our partner organisations’ business areas and cultures.
  • Advice and support with your applications.

Eligibility to use EmployAbility external services

Students currently matriculated at the University of Dundee to study an undergraduate degree, a post-graduate degree, or a similar or equivalent qualification.


Individuals who were matriculated University of Dundee students during the academic years 2022/2023, 2021/2022 or 2020/2021 and have now graduated.

To access this support please register with EmployAbility

Once registered, email EmployAbility to request an appointment and they will contact you to set up a mutually agreeable time. If you do not hear back from Employ-Ability within 3 working days please email for further guidance.

If you have any questions on this external partnership or their services email the Careers Service