
Reducing digital distraction and improving your focus when studying

Updated on 30 January 2024

How to remove digital distractions during your study time, improve your focus, and manage your workload.

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We are always around and using technology. We often use it for studying and communicating. It can distract us in various ways. For example, by hearing a message or getting a notification.

When you give in and look at your screens, it's easy to focus on other digital activities. These include scrolling social media, shopping online, and watching videos.

Tips for managing digital distraction

There are many ways to reduce digital distractions and stay focused on your work. Here are some for you to try:

  • Temporarily turn off your phone’s notifications so that you don’t see them pop up on the screen
  • Turn your phone’s display black and white so it becomes less distracting to look at
  • Log out of your social media apps so that it will take more effort to check them
  • Don't log into social media on the devices you use for studying
  • Set aside timed 'study breaks' to check your phone. But, also use this time to keep your focus up. For example, grab a drink of water or take a short walk.
  • Think about why you get distracted by other things. Can you make your work more fun or doable?

Additional resources:

Self-care and taking breaks when studying

Even when you are busy, it's important to make time for self-care. Taking short breaks throughout the day can boost your motivation. These also recharge your brain.

It’s easy to feel guilty for taking time breaks from your studies but working excessively long hours is not realistic. Your brain needs rest to work well.

You could take a break by:

  • going for a quick walk around the library, or campus if you want to get some fresh air
  • grabbing your favourite hot drink from one of the cafes on campus, and take some time to enjoy it
  • checking-in with your classmates (they may appreciate a break too)

Planning your time effectively

When many deadlines are due at once, or even one large piece of coursework, it’s common to feel overwhelmed.

Having an effective study plan can help to keep you on track and increase your motivation to get things done. This means you may be less likely to become distracted by other things. You can use a study plan to set aside time for each task. This lets you focus on one thing at a time. You won't need to worry about when you will have time to get things done or have all your deadlines muddled into one.

When creating a study plan, think about:

  • Your priorities, what should you dedicate more time to?
  • How much work do you need for each task? Does one piece of coursework need more reading or writing than another?
  • On which days do you have classes? Could you use time between classes for reading?
  • When do you work best during the day?

Additional resources:

Further support with academic skills


Student Support Team