
Submit your content for the Masters Show webpages

Updated on 24 June 2024

How to submit text, image, and video content for the Masters Show webpages if you are a student at DJCAD.

On this page

As a graduating student you will have your own dedicated page on the website. The shows will be grouped by course but there will also be an alphabetical index linking to each individual's page.

  • 17:00, Friday 2 August 2024 – Website submission deadline.

Setting up your page

  • You will be asked to submit the content for your webpage via an online form
  • The submission deadline for this is detailed above. The form will be available for at least one week prior to this date.
  • After you have submitted, and before the website goes live you will be sent a screen shot of your page by the web team in order to sign off your page. No changes can be made to your page after this sign off.

The information required to be included in the website submission is as follows:

Personal information

  • Your full name
  • Your course
  • A photo of yourself (jpeg, max 4MB)
  • Summary
    A single sentence that summarises your work. This will be displayed at the top of your profile and used for any social sharing of your page.
  • Artist Statement / Description of your work (up to 1,500 characters) 
  • Your contact details - email, website, and social media links

If you have your own website, or professional social media pages be sure to include this when you submit. Remember to keep your personal sites updated as this is where visitors can see your most up to date work long after the dates of the show.

Image requirements

You can submit a maximum of three images.

Shape and format of images

  • Landscape images tend to display better on the web. You are of course welcome to submit portrait images but be aware the template may constrain the size of portrait images. 
  • The website (when viewed on a desktop computer) is 1,200 pixels wide. You do not need to size your image specifically to this, but keep in mind this is the maximum width your image will be viewed at (whether landscape or portrait).
  • If you have particularly long or thin images, or other images that are not a ‘standard’ shape let us know as soon as possible so we can talk to you about solutions to displaying these within the template of the site. 


  • Name your files sensibly, such as joe-bloggs-image-2.jpg as you will be asked to provide the filenames to be used in different areas when submitting your work.
  • If your file names are confusing you may be asked to fix them before your page is created.

File format, size, and colour gamut

Please read this section carefully as there are some specific issues that affect students every year.

  • Save all images as jpeg
    • For specific types of graphic a png may work better. If you're not sure when to use pngs or how to minimise their file size, please use jpeg.
  • Do not use animated gif images. If you have a video use YouTube (preferred) or Vimeo to host your video.
  • Your images need to be at least 1,920 pixels wide.
    • Yes this is wider than the 1,200 pixels mentioned earlier, however the website will resize all images to fit the templates so it is better to have slightly larger originals. That said, avoid saving images wider than 3,000 pixels as you may start to lose quality due to multiple resizes.
  • Try to keep your final images under 5MB
  • Make sure your images are saved as RGB colour and not CYMK.
    • CYMK (Cyan, Yellow, Magenta, Key [black]) is used for printing, however screens use RGB (Red, Green, Blue) to create colour. If you use the Export As option in print focussed apps such as Illustrator or InDesign it will save as CYMK by default and your colours will be oversaturated when uploaded to the website, see examples below.

If you are using Photoshop or Illustrator we recommend using the Save to web (Legacy) option under the file menu as this will allow you to see the exact pixel size, and approximate file size on the one screen.

Profile photo

Please upload one image to be used as your profile photo.

So we easily identify it, please name your profile photo using the format your-name-profile.jpg, for example joe-bloggs-profile.jpg

Your photo does not need to be a professional headshot. It can be taken on your mobile phone and could be an image of you with some of your work, a simple selfie against a plain background, or a more artistic self-portrait. When choosing which photo to use or where to take your photo just keep in mind that the image is representing you professionally, it is probably best to avoid messy backgrounds or photos from nights out.

Feature image

Please upload one image that will be used to represent your work on other areas of the website as well as on social media, and within our wider marketing of the show. Please provide the biggest, most high quality image you have. This will be your feature image and must be in landscape orientation. This will show in landscape view on social media and cropped square in locations on the website.

So we easily identify it, please name your feature image file using the format your-name-feature-1.jpg, for example joe-bloggs-feature.jpg

The feature image will not show on your profile page unless you request it again in the image blocks area on page 2 of this form.

Providing your image metadata

You’ll be asked in the submission form to provide two pieces of information for each image. Please provide the following:

Caption (optional)

This is a description of your image that will appear beneath it on the page. Everyone will see this text if you include it, but you do not need to provide a caption.

Alternative text (mandatory)

Some blind users use screen reader software to navigate websites by reading the website out loud, this is similar to audio description on television.

Alternative text is used by screen readers to describe images and should be a matter of fact description of what is shown, rather than an artistic interpretation. It should not be a repeat of the caption – screen readers will read both to the visitor. Alt text will not be shown to users who are not using screen readers.

You must provide alt text for each image you upload. The maximum length is 512 characters but you should aim for less than this.

Alt text on is a legal requirement under the Public Sector Bodies (Websites and Mobile Applications) (No. 2) Accessibility Regulations 2018.

Any submissions with missing, incomplete, or inaccurate alt text will be rejected and you will need to complete the form again.

Example of alt text

For the Damien Hirst artwork The Physical Impossibility of Death in the Mind of Someone Living


The shark possesses an uncanny simultaneity; it seems to be both dead and alive at the same time. Obviously it is dead, but its commanding and unnerving presence, and power over the viewer makes it feel as though it could be alive. Its complete stillness gives it an eerie and unsettling quality. This stillness could also be interpreted as a sense of peacefulness; however, the facial expression of the shark pertains to a more troublesome feeling and prevents the viewer from feeling at ease.

[Description from Constellations, Queen Mary, University of London]

Alt text

A rectangular box with three white framed windows on the long side. The box contains a dead shark suspended within a blue tinted solution.

Video requirements

You can include a maximum of three videos on your page.  Video needs to be available publicly with an associated title and description.

  • Videos need to be uploaded to YouTube or Vimeo. You will be asked to supply this link when submitting your content. If your video has not been set to public we are unable to display it on the page.
  • Videos need to be subtitled for accessibility reasons - similar to providing alt text for images.  We have a guide to help you create an accessible video.

Virtual exhibition of work

The template allows you to mix and match the following content blocks on your page:

Large image with associated title and description (max. three)


A video uploaded to either YouTube or Vimeo can be embedded on the page. (max. three)

For each image or video you can also add a:

Title of work
There is a space to add a title to each uploaded piece of work.

You will have the option to add a short caption below each image and video that you submit.

Adult/explicit images

Be aware that any images with explicit content will need to be flagged as such on your webpage. You must let us know by listing these in the supplementary comments field on the submission form. Contact your Course Director if you have any concerns around this.

Tips for building your page

  • Your page will have the greatest impact if you add a large image or video first.
  • Don’t use all the space just because it’s there. Make sure to curate your page to showcase your best work.
  • Remember to document your work as you go along, don’t leave it all to the last minute.
  • You will find various guides to documenting your own work in the instruction materials section of MyDJCAD.
  • Think about the content of your videos; from films and showreels to self-filmed videos of you discussing your work. You can use this as an opportunity to tell your story and give viewers a more in depth look at your work and the process behind in.

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