Natasa Siripornleart

Medical Art MSc

A web-based multimedia resource simplifies information about Alzheimer's disease, promotes early detection, and provides care management tips for caregivers.


Alzheimer's is a neurodegenerative disease characterised by memory loss and cognitive decline that impacts individuals' daily lives and activities. Although Alzheimer's is the most common type of dementia and the number of patients is estimated to increase worldwide and significantly impact people globally, there is no cure for Alzheimer's disease.

As Alzheimer's disease can take 8 to 10 years or up to 20 years to progress, caregivers who are mostly family members or friends need to provide daily care to the patient. Taking care of the people who live with Alzheimer's requires caregivers' dedication, tasks, and time. In addition, the more disease becomes severe, the more stress and burden the caregivers increase because they need to provide more complex care for the patient.

However, most caregivers are non-professional and have limited care skills. Researchers suggest improving health education results in better health outcomes and care management. Learning through a combination of media can be beneficial and result in effective learning outcomes. This project created a web-based resource provides multimedia content, including 2D illustrations and an explainer video, to simplify information about Alzheimer's disease, promote early detection, and provide care management tips for caregivers.

10 Warning Signs of Alzheimer's disease

'An early Alzheimer’s diagnosis provides you with a better chance of benefiting from treatment.' - Alzheimer's Association
