Anu Theresa

Comics & Graphic Novels MDes

Friends in Action, A Tale of Adventure and Kindness


As a passionate comic artist, My interest in children's comics stems from my conviction that storytelling and art can have a profound impact on young minds. I see children's comics as a gateway to imagination, learning, and emotional development. Creating comics for children allows me to craft engaging and age-appropriate narratives that not only entertain but also inspire creativity and curiosity.

Through colourful and expressive illustrations, I aim to capture the attention of young readers and transport them to captivating worlds filled with whimsy, adventure, and life lessons. I take great joy in designing relatable and endearing characters that children can connect with and root for throughout their journeys.

my final project of Children's Comics provides a wonderful opportunity to introduce important values, such as empathy, kindness, and resilience in a manner that resonates with young audiences. I believe in using storytelling as a tool to help children navigate complex emotions, foster a love for reading, and instil a sense of wonder about the world around them.

My dedication to creating children's comics is grounded in the understanding that these visual narratives can play a significant role in a child's cognitive and emotional development. I aspire to contribute to the wealth of children's literature by producing comics that not only entertain but also leave a positive and lasting impression on the young minds that encounter them.

Friends in Action

A Tale of Adventure and Kindness

A Tale of Adventure and Kindness

Her wish

The little girl's heartfelt wish to see her mother was granted when she found herself in a different world.

The little girl's heartfelt wish to see her mother was granted when she found herself in a different world.


In the dream, a little bee found itself amidst the wonders of the ocean

In the dream, a little bee found itself amidst the wonders of the ocean
