Calum Wallis

Drawing MFA

I draw to puzzle my relationship with the surface of the earth, bringing me closer to the ground and closer to the elemental process which shapes the world.


My practice demands a close, bodily relationship with the surfaces from which my drawings take their cue. During extended periods drawing outdoors, my work will fall into a rhythm with the environment and the conditions in which it's being made - a drawing will be eroded by rain or baked in the sun in simultaneity with the form it emulates.

This mode of drawing requires me to work where the forces which shape the world are most visible - a meeting of land and sea or human-made structures in an accelerated state of decay. The time spent making the drawing will document some hours or days in a subjects' journey whose destination will ultimately be the same as its origin - within the body of the earth.

Working at a scale comparable to that which I'm drawing is important, as it forces my bodily relationship to the drawing to mirror my bodily relationship to my subject. Movement is my great joy in life - I'm most content picking my way around places which form a tactile puzzle for the body. This is the reason I'm drawn to stone, where I can scramble over a timeless surface before imitating those planes and handholds in charcoal and graphite.

Bringing these works indoors, they are petrified and domesticated. Severed from the elemental forces which shaped their subjects, my drawings become artefacts of time spent in the world of renewal and decay. Time spent drawing in the dead of a winter night, in the lashing rain of the West Coast, among baking stones at the height of summer

Where everything stands, for now

Detailed drawing of the surface of a stone which fills the frame

etching on paper, 43 x 63cm

A man in an orange fleece sits drawing on a piece of canvas in front of a narrow cave

Surfacing at Cleadale

A large drawing of a cliff face made on canvas is hanging from a real cliff and blowing in the wind.

charcoal on canvas, 270 x 430cm

Support this graduate

All of my work is available to buy. With drawing being an all-consuming activity I have more works than I could ever list on a website or show on social media. Please feel free to get in touch by email to enquire about works for sale or arrange a studio visit to see works in the flesh.
