CJ Barr

Art & Humanities MFA

'Archive Affective' - a site-specific installation referencing the intimate journey that’s been created as I’ve immersed myself in this place


An archive of my own creating, where objects that border on the edge of obsoletion are brought into the fore and given a new space to exist. By limiting the findings to the palm of my hand and the weight ability of my body, I was able to carry them with me to another place, creating a narrative between those which would not normally come into contact. I aim to reassess where our values lie through the exploration of objects. And why objects which have served their purpose are no longer considered worthy of our attention. By bringing them and their traces into our attention zone and creating space for them, I am asking the viewer to reconsider their place, the place of the object and the space in between. And by altering the material they are displayed as also changes the material value of the object. The assemblages are created through intuition, based within the process of making. Bringing together multiple elements and layers to create a new ‘dwelling zone’ where the altered and made things are creating a conversation where the question of paradoxical ideas comes into play. A paradox of exploring the objects that will one day disappear and their casts, often heavier in weight with the smallest detail captured. I invite you to dwell in this place and created space and consider what can be seen or what could have been seen before the transformation happened.

3 pieces of mountboard with different laser cut collages at different depths and placement
an assemblage on the floor, shot from above containing a long piece of glass with a small piece of MDF board, a steel thin sheet, an image of a light refraction and also a ceramic impressed collage on top, a tile piece cast in bronze, and a piece of thread draped across the whole assemblage
laser cut paper sitting on an MDF reading 'my hands and ears, constantly in movement' followed by 'the end' combined with a broken piece of slate and a tile piece cast in bronze

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All the pieces are available to purchase - please contact me via email for a quote and more details!
