
My work explores themes relating to Misogyny, Internalised Misogyny, Narcissism and Social Control. However in working towards my MFA degree show, I have found myself initially setting my themes aside and responding directly to the exhibition space and I have been surprised by the way found objects and spatial elements can in many ways behave the same as found papers in a collage.  

Working intuitively within the space in a manner that I would normally apply to pieces of paper, I have allowed the work to develop organically to be guided by the moment and by the materials and found objects. Trusting this process, following my gut instincts and responding to the space has revealed that the narrative emerging is not only deeply personal but I feel the viewer can have their own relationship with the work on both an intimate level with the smaller pieces drawing the viewer in close, yet it can be viewed as a whole looking at the conversations between the items and how they can effect the overall reading of the work.  

A child's primary school desk with elongated legs stands in a corner of a white room, there is a red electrical wire running down the wall to the right of the desk, the wire continues across the floor still attached to it's reel.
A school jotter sits open on a brown wooden tabletop with pink stencilled text which reads, The Social Engineers Handbook
