Lyric Ni

Fine Art MFA

An interactive game installation that attempts to hide the deeper issues behind the "Painted Turtle".


My work is an interactive puzzle game installation, players navigate the plight of a small turtle lost in an unfamiliar environment. Its shell, oddly painted with mystifying patterns, isn’t for aesthetics—it's symbolic. As the turtle attempts to escape, the game's worn objects and eerie atmosphere hint at connections to real-world issues. To truly aid the turtle's journey, players must draw on tangible clues from our reality. Intriguingly, as the game progresses, a deeper narrative tied to the turtle's shell design unfolds.

The game's inspiration stems from a disconcerting trend in mainland China: the sale of "painted turtles" and "coloured chicks." Witnessing these animals, artfully painted in vibrant hues, evoked in me horror. Such unnatural modifications are harmful. As painted turtles mature, their shells can become deformed, curving inward, jeopardizing their health. The realization that these animals are sold to unsuspecting children deepened my dismay.

But the problem isn't solely with the vendors. My research unveiled a broader concern: mainland China's inadequate animal protection laws, insufficient education on animal rights, and, surprisingly, human rights issues. These voids in legal and ethical safeguards enable an underground network of life traffickers, perpetuating this heart-breaking cycle of animal abuse.


A small white line drawing of a turtle, the turtle is yawning in a line drawing of a box.
This digital picture shows a worn table in front of it, with a display of fridges, cupboards, cooking utensils and other miscellaneous items behind it, looking shabby, with books, pens, cups, glasses and an enamelled basin on the table.
In front of this digital painting is placed a worn table, behind it visits the bed, the old heating unit, the cupboard, there is someone lying on the bed, behind him the wall is very worn and plastered with old newspapers.

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My full version of the game will be added to the platform shortly, but there is no details page right now, so keep an eye on the Instagram account.
