Programming languages for Data Engineering module (AC50002)

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Semester: 1 and 2

About the Module

This module aims to teach the skills a data engineer will need to program algorithms to manipulate and analyse data. The module will address current programming paradigms and languages that are commonly used for data engineering. You will learn about:

  • D3.js for visualisation.
  • The Python programming language and its data structures, text processing.
  • Matlab for mathematical problems.
  • The R statistical language.

Credit Rating

There are 20 SCQF points available on this module.

Module Timetable

Semester 1

Week Topics Covered
2 Overview of module, D3
3 D3
4 D3
5 Python
6 Python
7 Python
8 Python
9 Python

Semester 2

Week Topics Covered
1 Matlab
2 Matlab
3 Matlab
4 Matlab
5 Matlab
6 R
7 R
8 R
9 R

Assessment and Coursework

Coursework counts for 100% of the final module mark.
There is no final degree exam for this module.


Marking criteria are provided on My Dundee for all assignments so that you know what we are looking for when we are marking your coursework. Please ensure that you refer to these when completing assignments.

Title Week Given Week Due Effort Expected (hours) Value (%)
D3 S1:4 S1:7 20 20
Python S1:9 S1:14 30 30
Matlab S2:1 S2:6 30 30
R S2:7 S2:10 20 20


All course material is available on My Dundee. This includes copies of lecture materials, practical exercises, and assignments. The reading list for this module can be accessed from My Dundee and provides recommended materials for completing the module.


This module is available on following courses: