Integrated Architectural Design module (AR40007)

A major integrated design project which draws together learning from across the course

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Module code


In this module, you will develop your skills in architectural design. You will do this by undertaking your own major integrated, holistic design project.

You will work in tutorial groups which will focus on specific cities. Within these cities, you'll identify an appropriate site. You will then develop a detailed brief which considers the needs of clients, users, and wider society.

You will use this brief to shape a complex building design. You will take it through to a detailed level of resolution. This will consider materials, structures, the building envelope, and environmental design.

In parallel, you will work in studio groups. In these groups, you will investigate precedent examples in depth.

The framework of the design you're working on will be used to understand the ethical, professional, and legislative context of architectural practice.

What you will learn

In this module, you will:

  • identify, develop and resolve an appropriate brief
  • understand a context and make design decisions which relate to and respond to this
  • develop, articulate and evidence a conceptual approach to design
  • embed an understanding within your design. This will include structure, materials and construction, and environmental design
  • develop your understanding of the professional, legislative context of architectural practice.

By the end of this module, you will be able to:

Develop, resolve and communicate a comprehensive integrated architectural design project

Assignments / assessment

Reflective Portfolio (85%)

  • includes design drawings and a critical reflection on the design project
  • submitted in week 26

Case Study Report (5%)

  • carried out in small groups
  • given in week 9
  • due week 14

Professional Studies Exercise (5%)

  • carried out in small groups
  • given and due in week 9

Individual Essay on Critical Practise (5%)

  • given in week 9
  • due in week 22

This module does not have a final exam.

Teaching methods / timetable

This is a studio module which will be taught through weekly studio tutorials and weekly group workshops and seminars. Integrated technology is supported by lecture courses which will run in parallel to the studio.

The professional studies element is taught through lectures and studio exercises.


This module is available on following courses: