Core Educator Knowledge, Skills and Attitudes module (BM42001)

Learn about the theoretical foundations of medical education, how to plan and design learning and the policies which influence medical training

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The relationship between education and clinical practice is increasingly important. Doctors capable of meeting the challenges of delivering safe and effective healthcare in rapidly changing social and cultural contexts require a firm understanding of:

  • how medicine is taught and assessed
  • how to critique and improve educational processes within the healthcare system
  • the educational and social policies which influence the structure of medical training

What you will learn

In this module, you will:

  • learn about learning theories, educational strategies and learning styles
  • learn about the learning environment and its impact on learning and teaching
  • develop key study skills
  • plan and design teaching and learning activities in a variety of different contexts
  • explore the application of technology in learning, teaching and assessment
  • learn about the principles of curriculum design development and evaluation
  • learn about the impact of social and educational policies on medical education in both a local and wider context

By the end of this module, you will be able to:

  • know and evaluate the role, purpose and range of assessment strategies 
  • know how to apply a range of methods to their teaching and evaluate its value
  • know of formative and summative assessment techniques and their application to medical education
  • understand and apply basic quality assurance standards to the evaluation of your own teaching and assessment practice
  • situate the influence of policy on educational practice
  • evaluate the effect of social and educational policy on medical education
  • analyse relevant policy documents
  • identify the social and political influences upon the development of policy
  • identify factors influencing the content taught and methods used within the medical programme
  • identify common learning approaches taken by learners
  • analyse relevant theories applicable to curriculum design, teaching methods, assessment and quality assurance
  • demonstrate the application of basic educational theory to their practice and evaluate their teaching situation
  • identify, evaluate and apply the range of technologies which can support teaching and assessment approaches
  • understand  what you want your students to learn
  • apply strategies to encourage learning
  • recognise when a student has learned and evaluate its value
  • identify and demonstrate the application of technologies to support their learning

Assignments / assessment

  • essay 1 - 3,000 words (50%)
  • essay 2 - 3,000 words (50%)

This module does not have a final exam

Teaching methods / timetable

This module is a mix of prescribed and self-directed learning activities. All teaching is planned to be face-to-face within the University.

  • informal seminars and tutorials - 50 hours
  • small group workshops - 50 hours
  • independent study/completion of assessment tasks - 100 hours

External activities

Throughout the course it is anticipated there will be opportunities to develop a deeper understanding of the concepts underpinning this module by visiting relevant institutions and engaging in academic events. Examples of such opportunities in recent iterations of the programme are:

  • Visiting the Scottish Parliament and meeting the local Member of the Scottish Parliament (MSP).
  • Visiting the General Medical Council's Scottish headquarters.
  • Attending local and national academic conferences such as:
    • ASME Researching Medical Education Conference.
    • NADEGS conference (Scottish Academic Primary Care Conference).
    • The University of Dundee General Practice Undergraduate Educators Conference.