Big Data Analytics for Business Transformation module (BU32006)

Learn how to use big data analytics for smarter business decisions, develop data roadmaps, and execute projects that drive competitive edge.

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We live in an ever-increasing digital world with Big Data being collected in most areas of life; businesses need to be aware how to analyse this Big Data to be prepared for a digital future and the possibilities of future transformation.

You will be equipped with the latest analytic tools, building your knowledge and skills to understand Big Data. This will allow you to prepare for business transformation and effectively run business projects using Big Data analytics.

What you will learn

In this module, you will:

  • learn how to analyse Big Data for business value
  • lead projects using a data analytics lifecycle
  • develop digital teams
  • learn how to use Design Thinking as a problem-solving process
  • drive innovation using data analytics
  • apply the skills and knowledge to use Big Data for business transformation
  • predict and manage business disruptions

By the end of this module, you will be able to:

  • find opportunities for business to use advanced analytics
  • deriving Business Value from Big Data (for providers and to consumers)
  • understand Big Data types, tools, and technologies
  • discuss the data analytics lifecycle within an organisation
  • develop an analytic team, roles and skill sets
  • choose between different approaches and organisational models to develop capabilities, support teams, and drive innovation via analytic projects
  • debate the implications of Big Data on privacy and security

Assignments / assessment

Individual Poster Presentation (30%)

  • Given in week 1
  • Due in week 9
  • 45 hours of effort expected

Individual Essay-writing Assignment (70%)

  • Given in week 1
  • Due in week 12
  • 2,500 words
  • 45 hours of effort expected

This module does not have a final exam.

Teaching methods / timetable

Each week you should expect a combination of lectures, students’ presentations and group discussion. You are expected to spend around 4 hours per week on independent study for this module allowing you to read in advance and participate in discussion.

Week Topics covered
1 Introduction to Big Data for business transformation
2 Introduction to predictive analytics
3 Introduction to decision trees
4 Decision tree loops, tools, and case studies
5 Introduction to Big Data value chains
6 Reading week
7 Introduction to business transformation
8 Introduction to data privacy, regulation, and security
9 Introduction to Artificial Intelligence and ethical decision making
10 European Big Data ecosystem, data acquisition, analysis, curation, storage, and usage
11 Example of Big Data projects



This module is available on following courses: