Internship Project Report module (BU40027)

During this internship you will have the opportunity to identify and solve a client's problem/policy issue during your summer break between 3rd and 4th year.

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Module code


This module combines both theory and practical, it means that upon graduation from your undergraduate degree you will already have experience of working as a business professional. The Pagoda Project support you in finding a suitable Internship from which you will write a report with the support of a supervisor.

What you will learn

In this module, you will:

  • review and consolidate knowledge, skills and practices by producing a report for an organisation
  • evaluate qualitative and quantitative data required to research the organisational problem/policy issue
  • engage in project management and demonstrate the ability to reach appropriate conclusions and recommendations based on available information

By the end of this module, you will be able to:

  • engage clients professionally to identify an organisational-related problem or policy issue
  • share your conclusions from your area of research the organisational problem/policy issue critically

Assignments / assessment

  • proposal template (30%)
  • research project (70%)

This module does not have a final exam.

Teaching methods / timetable

You should expect in-person teaching at points across both your 3rd and 4th year, as well as independent study throughout, to ensure you make the most of your internship opportunity.

Month Topics
October Introduction to the Pagoda Project and team

Introduction to the module

Business research skills 

Project proposal and project research

Business research project

Employability skills

4 Cs: Communication/Collaboration/Critical Thinking and Curiosity skills

Prepare yourself for the summer project

Research diary/notes


During Summer break Internship

Project proposal - template outline

Meet with your supervisor

Preparing your video submission


Meet with your supervisor

Preparing your video submission


Drop-in sessions to keep students on track.

Writing literature

Research methods overview

Reflection – Rolf's model

Library to help with end notes and search literature

Executive Summary of how to write


Reading Week

Work on the draft and meet your supervisor

March Work on the draft and meet your supervisor
April Submit final report

The above timeline is subject to change but aims to give an idea of how the module runs.


This module is available on following courses: