Corporate Governance module (BU41002)

Learn about corporate governance and the debate about its importance for leading firms in the global market.

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As the awareness of corporate governance grows so does its importance in the modern world. Understanding why rules for board structure and conduct shall be discussed.

To improve your knowledge of large scale corporate failure, examples will be shared to help shape your own decision making in the world of business. This module gives global examples and comparisons of legal systems throughout to further enhance your understanding.

What you will learn

In this module, you will:

  • discuss the need for codes and regulation
  • understand the differences and variation between developed and developing nations
  • explore the causes and consequences of large-scale corporate failure
  • learn how pay/bonus incentives can influence the way corporations are managed
  • study the need for effective board leadership

By the end of this module, you will be able to:

  • evaluate governance mechanisms and structures in business entities
  • appreciate how theory and evidence combine to allow assessment of the effectiveness of current arrangements
  • contribute to discussion about the ethical issues linked to corporate behaviour
  • understand the impact of governance debates on corporate reporting and board structure over the last 20-30 years
  • assess the need for pay-performance links and how these might be achieved
  • discuss the international differences in governance systems and practices

Assignments / assessment

  • Essay (20%)
  • Final exam (80%)

An in-person essay based 3 hour unseen exam.

Teaching methods / timetable

Each week will have 1 x three hour in-person sessions for nine weeks. These will include a mix of lectures, workshops and discussions about the key issues arising from the material.

All sessions will be recorded to help you revise the content.

Week Topics covered
1 Introduction; definitions of corporate governance
2 Alternative theories and philosophies
3 The UK regulatory framework
4 Corporate governance failures
5 Stewardship and control
6 Governance in private firms and organisations
7 International comparisons
8 Managerial remuneration
9 Review and recap

There are 9 weeks of teaching. For this module, the exact dates of teaching and/or reading weeks are to be confirmed.


This module is available on following courses: