Functional and Clinical Anatomy of the Limbs module (CA41005)

Evaluate the anatomy of the upper and lower extremities and girdles. You will observe how they allow for movement and stability in daily life

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This module explores the functional and clinical anatomy of the upper and lower limbs. It discusses how the anatomy of our limbs allows for movement and stability in daily life. Focus in this module will be placed on joint movements and muscular activity.

What you will learn

In this module, you will:

  • apply basic biomechanical concepts to the function of the upper and lower limbs
  • examine in detail the anatomy of the pectoral and pelvic girdles and the joints of the upper and lower limbs
  • compare and contrast the roles of the upper and lower limbs
  • learn about the stability of the limb joints and common pathological conditions
  • construct a logical, accurate scientific essay
  • design a coherent scientific poster on one aspect of limb anatomy
  • evaluate, synthesise, and critically review relevant scientific literature
  • use examples of recent scientific and clinical literature to support arguments

By the end of this module, you will be able to:

  • work well in a group of peers
  • write clear, concise, and accurate scientific prose
  • present information about specialised topics to informed audiences

Assignments / assessment

  • poster presentation (10%)
  • mini-quizzes (15%)
  • reflective critical portfolio (15%)
  • essay (20%)
  • unseen exam (40%)

Teaching methods / timetable

  • group workshops
  • practical classes
  • tutorials


This module is available on following courses: