Concrete Durability and Repair Technology module (CE40008)

Learn about the design of concrete for durability and the available repair options.

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One of the main aims of the design and construction of concrete structures is that they last for as long as intended, in other words, that they are 'durable'.

Despite this, durability can be compromised in some circumstances, and concrete will need to be repaired.

This module deals with the design of concrete for durability and the available repair options.

What you will learn

In this module, you will:

  • learn about the causes and mechanisms of concrete deterioration
  • learn about the production of durable concrete
  • develop an understanding of how durability can be integrated into structural design
  • discover the environmental benefits of durable concrete construction
  • learn about the test methods used to evaluate the potential durability of a concrete structure
  • learn about the characteristics of repair materials and strengthening methods for concrete

By the end of this module, you will be able to:

  • identify common concrete defects and relate these to their effect on the performance of a structure
  • use theory to estimate the durability of structural concrete
  • devise an inspection and testing programme for a concrete structure

Assignments / assessment

  • Coursework (60%)
  • Exam (40%)

Teaching methods / timetable

  • Lectures
    • in-person
    • complemented by videos
  • 'Walk-about' session
    • based around Dundee
    • learning aim is to identify potential signs of concrete deterioration and examples of repair


This module is available on following courses: