Community Education - Practice Learning 2 module (CO20013)

Get practical experience in youth work, adult education, and community development work

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You will spend seventy days working on placement with a community organisation. You will be part of their team delivering youth work, community development or adult education. There will be a focus on social justice and human rights.

While on placement, you will be allocated a Supervisor. They will ensure that you are clear about your role and that you feel supported. They will also offer regular supervision sessions. This will be an opportunity to providing you with professional feedback and to reflect on your progress.

You will also have regular meetings with your adviser of studies. This will be to provide you with further opportunities for reflection. You will also be able to discuss how your practice relates to the theories discussed in class.

Placements offer a wide range of opportunities. You are encouraged to choose a placement in an area that you are passionate about.

What you will learn

In this module, you will:

  • plan, develop, and lead small projects in your placement setting. You will work with your supervisor and colleagues to do so.

By the end of this module, you will be able to:

  • be familiar with Community Education settings. You will also be familiar with:
    • the ethos and values of the professional field
    • the organisational styles and culture operating within agencies
  • build relationships with individuals and groups. You will be able to become familiar and knowledgeable about the practice agency and its location within the community
  • learn how to produce work plans, reflective recordings, evaluations, and process recordings for 3 areas of work
  • become more aware of your own abilities to perform the functions of a Community Education practitioner. You will be able to be in a position to state significant learning points to lecturers, supervisors, and peers

Assignments / assessment

  • portfolio
  • assessment by your placement supervisor. This is based on their assessment of your practice and the evidence you include in your portfolio (100%)

This is graded as a pass or fail.

Work-based route

  • portfolio
  • viva presentation, one hour (100%)

This is graded as a pass or fail.

Teaching methods / timetable

You will learn by taking a hands-on approach. This will involve taking part in and leading youth work, adult education, or community development work with children, young people, or adults.


This module is available on following courses: