Collaborative Action for Social Justice module (CO31004)

You will explore how Community Educators can tackle social justice. You will look at how this is tackled in a local, national, and global context

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This module explores social justice policy and practice from a local and global perspective.

You will identify the ways we can work collaboratively. This is to promote social justice and human rights.

You will use a critical framework. This is to develop a learning climate of participation, dialogue, and critical thinking. From there you will foster collaboration within the classroom.

This module will cover the following key areas:

  • the implementation and impact of international, national, and local policy on collaborative practice
  • socio-political challenges and issues of collaborative approaches in achieving social justice
  • ‘paradigm shifts’ within collaborative policy and practice (e.g. challenging discrimination and oppression)

What you will learn

In this module, you will:

  • critically evaluate collaborative international, national, and local strategic approaches in terms of their impact on social justice
  • develop your ability to critically analyse the impact of collaborative practice in working towards social justice
  • construct strategies to increase the efficacy of collaborative practice towards social justice
  • develop group, communication, and collaboration skills

By the end of this module, you will be able to:

  • deconstruct and reconstruct policies influencing collaborative approaches at international, national, and local levels
  • critically debate the past and present collaborative strategic approaches in community learning and development in relation to social justice themes
  • evidence awareness of cultural difference in contrasting and comparing international approaches to increasing the efficacy of collaborative practice
  • work in partnership to develop and reflect on enquiry-based learning skills
  • formulate alternative strategic approaches to improve collaborative working towards social justice
  • assess the validity and credibility of collaborative practice in achieving social justice outcomes
  • engage with and critically analyse how a wide range of professions engage with individuals, groups, and communities to achieve obtainable social justice outcomes

Assignments / assessment

  • individual and group presentation (100%)
    • you will present individually for 5 minutes. This will be part of a wider group presentation of 30 – 40 minutes. This will depend on the number of students in each group
    • set in Week 1
    • due in Week 12
    • 30 hours of effort expected

This module does not have a final exam.

Teaching methods / timetable

  • lectures (one 2 hour session weekly in semester 1)
  • seminars (two 1 hour group sessions)
  • peer learning groups (self-directed groupwork to prepare for the presentations)

Typically, the programme of sessions looks like this:

Week 1 Introduction / key concepts
Week 2 Contemporary landscape, national and international context and theoretical concepts
Week 3 Working together to tackle social injustices
Week 4 Class
Week 5 Bias
Week 6 Race, refugees and asylum seekers
Week 7 Trade Unionism
Week 8 Health Inequalities
Week 9 Neurodivergence
Week 10 Presentation Rehearsals
Week 11 Presentations


This module is available on following courses: