Community Education Practice Learning 3 module (CO32001)

Gain practical experience of youth work, adult education, and community development work

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Module code


In this module, you will spend sixty days working on placement with a community organisation. You will be part of a team delivering youth work, community development or adult education. This will have a focus on social justice and human rights.

While on placement, you will be allocated a supervisor. They will be responsible for ensuring that you are clear about your role and that you feel supported.

They will offer regular supervision sessions. This is an opportunity to provide you with professional feedback. You will also have the opportunity to reflect on your progress.

You will also have regular meetings with your adviser of studies. This will also provide you with further opportunities for reflection. This will also allow you to discuss how your practice relates to the theories discussed in class.

Placements offer a wide range of opportunities. You will be encouraged to choose a placement in an area that you are passionate about.

What you will learn

In this module, you will:

  • plan, develop, and lead projects in your placement setting working with your supervisor and colleagues
  • carry out a small piece of research with people you are working with

By the end of this module, you will be able to:

  • negotiate and agree on a work plan which reflects your individual learning needs and the practice agency's priorities
  • have gained experience and understanding of specific aspects of Community Education professional practice
  • lead three areas of work and complete a small research project in an area you are passionate about
  • understand and link theory to your professional practice
  • understand and draw from a range of professional competencies to analyse and evidence practice

Assignments / assessment

  • online portfolio (100%)
    • pass/fail assessment by placement supervisor

Work-based route

  • online portfolio (100%)
    • viva presentation, one hour
    • graded as a pass/fail by your supervisor and adviser of studies

Teaching methods / timetable

You will learn by taking a hands-on approach. This will involve taking part in and leading youth work, adult education, or community development work with children, young people, or adults.

Learning materials are provided through specific classes and lectures. There will also be a detailed reading list, videos, and examples provided.


This module is available on following courses: