Practice Inquiry Project module (CO40006)

Explore an area of interest to inform your own practice. This will allow you deepen your knowledge and challenge your understanding

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Your practice inquiry allows you to explore an area you are particularly interested in. You will look into issues that have frustrated you, or that have inspired you.

You will use your inquiry to inform your own practice. You will deepen your knowledge and challenge your understanding.

What you will learn

In this module, you will:

  • apply research and inquiry skills within the field of community education
  • develop the ability to manage a small-scale research or practice inquiry project
  • develop academic presentation and dissemination skills
  • develop employability skills

By the end of this module, you will be able to:

  • show an understanding of either research design or practice inquiry project development
  • develop and put in place a coherent research or practice inquiry design. This will be done in collaboration with research stakeholders
  • show an ethical approach to research or practice inquiry design
  • develop theoretical reasoning and the ability to critique practice
  • communicate complex ideas concisely and clearly to a range of audiences

Assignments / assessment

  • 6,000-word research report (90%)
  • 20 minute symposium presentation (10%)
    • set in Week 1
    • due in Week 24

This module does not have a final exam.

Teaching methods / timetable

  • lectures (one 2 hour session weekly in semester 1 and five 2 hour sessions spread across semester 2)
  • tutorials (one 1 hour group session each week throughout the year)
  • writing workshop (one full-day session a week prior to the deadline for submission)

Typically, the programme of sessions looks like this:

  1. Introduction to practice inquiry and community-based research
  2. The practice inquiry design
  3. Embedding ethical practice and community education values in your practice inquiry
  4. Methodology vs. Methods
  5. Creative and participatory methods
  6. Engaging people in inquiry-based discussions
  7. Positionality / Reflexivity
  8. Making Sense of your Data
  9. Evidencing Policy and Practice
  10. Preparing your Inquiry Report
  11. Presenting the Findings of your Inquiry at the Community Education Symposium


This module is available on following courses: