Transforming Practice (Practice in Diverse Contexts) 2 module (CO50014)

Develop your knowledge and skills for advanced reflexive practice in community education. These will align with contemporary professional standards

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This module allows you to develop your knowledge through active learning. This allows you to expand and develop these skills and reflect on your practice.

This module builds on the things you will learn in previous modules:

  • Transforming Practice (Being a Critical Practitioner) 1 (CO50013)
  • Critical Pedagogies (CO50012)

You will develop your knowledge and skills for advanced critical reflection. This allows you to engage in transformative practice in community education.

This aligns with contemporary professional standards and competencies.

What you will learn

In this module, you will:

  • explore community education theories that make up good practice. You will also learn to analyse youth work, adult learning, and community development contexts. You will be introduced to relevant sociological and economic theory. You will look at its implications for practice.
  • develop practice that considers equality and social justice. This will use knowledge from previous modules. You will also learn how it applies to values-driven professional work in community education contexts
  • address current partnership theory, policy, and practice. You will also integrate knowledge from previous modules. You will examine the political and sociological assumptions behind partnership approaches in community education

By the end of this module, you will be able to:

  • understand the key events that shaped the economic, political, social, and cultural development of South Africa. This ranges from apartheid through to democracy
  • think critically, identify, and debate the challenges and legacies of apartheid
  • assess evidence and understand opposing historical interpretations

Assignments / assessment

5,000-word evaluative report (90%)

  • set in Week 1. due in Week 15

oral presentation (10%)

  • set in Week 1, due in Week 24

This module does not have a final exam

Teaching methods / timetable

  • lecture (one 2 hour session at start of semester)
  • seminars (five 2 hour sessions spread throughout the semester)
  • workshop (one 2 hour session at end of semester)

We will explore many theories in the seminars, for example:

  • 'introduction to critique' ('what is 'normal'?)
  • 'voice and recognition'
  • 'diversity and division'
  • 'collaboration and partnerships'
  • 'change'


This module is available on following courses: