Foundations in community-based research module (CO50017)

Explore how to use social research to enhance your work as a Community Educator. Conduct a research project into issues identified by people in your community

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Research is a fundamental skill for anyone working in Community Education. It will help you understand the wider socio-economic, cultural, and political contexts. It also provides a foundation for challenging and changing policy direction and public opinion.

This module will provide you with the skills required to research Community Education. You will learn about different approaches and methods of research and how to use them.

You will define a topic of research. You will ensure that the methods and approaches are consistent. This will involve:

  • gathering and analysing data
  • ensuring that your research is ethical
  • sharing your research
  • ensuring your research has a positive impact on society

What you will learn

In this module, you will:

  • develop an understanding of social research applied to Community Education
  • understand how research can be used to inform and critique policies and practices
  • design and put in place a small-scale research project

By the end of this module, you will be able to:

  • show an understanding of the role of research in informing Community Education policies and practices
  • show knowledge of research ethics in practice
  • design and put in place research to inform policies and practices in the field of Community Education
  • produce a coherent research study report. This will include details of the study design, analysis of findings, and an evaluation of its impact

Assignments / assessment

5,000-word research report (100%)

  • given in week 1
  • due in week 19

This module does not have a final exam.

Teaching methods / timetable

  • lectures (eight 2 hour sessions)
  • group work as part of supportive tutorials (one 2 hour session)
  • individual tutorials (two 30 min sessions)
  • drop-in (one 2 hour session)

Typically, the programme of sessions looks like this:

  1. Making Sense of Community-Based Practice Inquiry
  2. Practice Inquiry Design
  3. Research Ethics
  4. Assignment Brief & Guidance
  5. Exploring Methods and Approaches
  6. Group Exercise
  7. Analysing Data
  8. Assessment Seminar
  9. Research Report Drop-In


This module is available on following courses: