Energy Economics: The Issues (By Distance Learning) module (CP50037)

Learn the concepts, theories, and analytical frameworks. These are to be applied to particular issues or problems faced by the energy sector

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This module touches on the contemporary problems in the energy sector. These include:

  • accessing quality energy services sustainably in low-income countries
  • financing low-carbon technologies across the world for transitioning to a net-zero economy

You will also analyse the strategies of the economic actors and the policies of the governments to address these challenges.

These strategies include:

  • study of markets
  • extending the market model to capture various specific features of the energy industry
  • discussing the market failures
  • considering the need for government intervention in the form of market regulation

You will also look at environmental issues and their economic treatment in the energy sector. This will help in distinguishing reasonable and non-optimal solutions.

What you will learn

In this module, you will:

  • consider the energy demand and supply dynamics. This will also cover resource availability, technological advancements, and geopolitical factors
  • understand energy markets to analyse how energy resources are bought, sold, and traded
  • energy market regulation
  • address environmental issues like mitigating climate change and preserving ecosystems
  • understand the opportunities and challenges associated with alternative energy sources. This will develop your understanding of transitioning to a more sustainable energy future
  • understand the impact on businesses reliant on oil-based inputs. This will cover topics such as inflation, transportation costs, energy security, and competitiveness.
  • energy security issues
  • understand the factors that influence investment decisions. These include regulatory certainty, market volatility, and technological innovation

By the end of this module, you will be able to:

  • formulate relevant questions and apply basic economic tools to analyse the problem
  • participate in debates on the sector issues and communicate in writing clearly and concisely
  • analyse the energy sector issues relying on simple economic concepts

Assignments / assessment

  • coursework (50%)
    • research paper (3,000-4,000 words)
  • final exam (50%)
    • open-book exam

Teaching methods / timetable

  • You will learn by distance learning using My Dundee.
  • Learning material is provided through a study guide, core reading, tutorial questions and case studies.


This module is available on following courses: