Energy, Environment and Sustainable Development - Economics and Policy Issues module (CP50047)

Learn how to analyse the environmental and sustainability challenges facing the energy sector

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In this module, we will learn about energy, the environment, and sustainable development. This will be from an economic and policy standpoint.

This module discusses how our energy choices are driven by the complex interplay between:

  • accessibility
  • affordability
  • sustainability concerns

This is called the energy trilemma.

You will then explore the concepts of energy-environment interactions and sustainable development.

Finally, you will be introduced to the economics of climate change. This allows you to work with various tools, including adaptation and mitigation of greenhouse gas emissions.

What you will learn

In this module, you will:

  • be introduced to energy-environment interactions
  • develop an understanding of sustainable development concepts
  • develop an awareness of externalities and their internalisation and externality valuation
  • explore mitigation options
  • gain insights into pollution control from stationary and mobile sources
  • broaden your knowledge of the economics of climate change
  • engage with the concept of a Clean Development Mechanism

By the end of this module, you will be able to:

  • apply simple economic principles. This will allow you to evaluate and examine alternative options, policies, and instruments dealing with environment, climate change and sustainable development
  • participate in debate, research, and policy discussions on the subject
  • conduct, prepare, and submit research on the impact of energy on the environment, climate change and sustainable development
  • identify and address the key challenges in this area

Assignments / assessment

  • course work (50%)
    • research paper (3,000-4,000 words)
  • final exam (50%)
    • online open book exam

Teaching methods / timetable

  • distance learning using our virtual learning environment, My Dundee.

Learning material is provided through a study guide, core reading, tutorial questions, and case studies.


This module is available on following courses: