Professional Skills in Computer Science module (CS11004)

Develop important skills to be part of a professional software development team. Learn to use Git and Git Flow, LaTeX, artificial intelligence, and more.

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Being able to work successfully as part of a team is an important skill for every developer.

Many tools exist to help teams succeed and work together more efficiently. It is important for developers to know how to use these tools and to be able to assess their usage from a practical and ethical view.

In this module, you will explore industry-standard tools and software that are used by development teams to successfully work together.

What you will learn

In this module, you will:

  • learn how groups are formed, developed and how to work in them
  • develop active listening skills
  • learn about version control and study the stages of Git and Git Flow
  • learn how to write reports using LaTeX
  • explore how to use AI systems and how they can be used to improve software development processes

You will also learn how to identify ethical concerns around the usage of these tools and how to minimise them.

This will allow you to assess when and how to apply the skills you have acquired in a practical and ethical manner

By the end of this module, you will be able to:

  • work successfully as part of a software development team
  • utilise version control to collaborate on projects
  • appropriately and ethically use AI systems

Assignments / assessment

  • group report (60%)
  • group presentation (40%)

This module does not have a final exam.

Teaching methods / timetable

You will learn by taking a hands-on approach. This will involve taking part in workshops and seminar sessions, which will present each new topic.

Workshops will allow you to work on your group assignments and develop your professional skills.

Learning material is provided through videos, review notes, and examples.

This is a half-semester module. You will study another 10 credit module during the other half of this semester.




Git and Git Flow


Working Successfully in Teams


Report Writing Using LaTeX


Using AI Tools


Presentation Development and Skills


This module is available on following courses: