Unix Systems module (CS11005)

Learn about the Unix operating system and how to use it effectively.

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In this module, you will have the opportunity to delve into the Unix operating system, which is a widely used computing system across industry.

By exploring Unix, you will be able to catch a first glance at how an operating system works. It will also teach you valuable skills for your academic and professional career, such as automating tasks using Bash and proficient command-line usage.

The module provides a solid foundation in these Unix principles and operations, enabling you to become a more effective and efficient programmer.

What you will learn

In this module, you will:

  • study the basic principles and operations of Unix
  • learn about the Unix command-line interface, file system, permissions, and processes
  • automate tasks using Bash scripting

By the end of this module, you will be able to:

  • demonstrate a deep understanding of Unix and its core features
  • navigate the command-line interface with proficiency
  • use common Unix tools professionally
  • be able to develop scripts and programs in a Unix-like environment

Assignments / assessment

  • shell scripting (60%)
  • assessed tutorial (20%)
  • class tests (20%)

This module does not have a final exam.

Teaching methods / timetable

You will learn by taking a hands-on approach. This will involve taking part in tutorials and practical sessions.

Learning material is provided through videos, review notes, examples, and tutorial questions, as well as software development presentations and demonstrations.

This is a half-semester module. You will study another 10 credit module during the other half of this semester.


This module is available on following courses: