Computing and Society module (CS12003)

Learn about the relationship between computing technology and society.

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Computing technologies play an increasingly large role in modern society. It is important to understand the implications the use of technology has on society.

In this module, you will learn how to analyse the use of computing technologies in society by working with various case studies.

This will provide you with a solid foundation for exploring the relationship between computing technology and those that use computers daily.

What you will learn

In this module, you will:

  • explore how computing has developed, from its origins to current applications
  • learn about different models of society
  • investigate how computing has been integrated into society
  • study how computing technology can impact people in various contexts
  • explore how computing can benefit society and where it can go wrong
  • consider the ethical implications of the use of different technologies in society

By the end of this module, you will be able to:

  • show a deep understanding of the use and impact of computing technology in society
  • demonstrate your ability to analyse the use of computing technologies and their impact on different groups of people

Assignments / assessment

  • group presentation (50%)
  • written exam (50%)

Teaching methods

You will learn by taking a hands-on approach. This will involve taking part in tutorials and practical sessions.

Learning material is provided through videos, review notes, examples, and tutorial questions.

This is a half-semester module. You will study another 10 credit module during the other half of this semester.


This module is available on following courses: