User Interface Design module (CS22003)

Develop the skills and knowledge required to create effective user interface designs.

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User interfaces (UIs) are how users interact with our applications. It is vital to be able to present our applications in an appealing way to ensure that they are easy and appealing to use.

This module explores contemporary user interface design and looks closely at how certain design elements affect the user experience.

You will study important concepts of interface design, and put them into practice using prototyping tools like Figma.

What you will learn

In this module, you will:

  • explore the history and evolution of Graphical User Interfaces (GUIs)
  • examine the role of common design components, such as icons, widgets, and menus
  • learn about different interfaces and interactions, such as touch, gesture, voice, and haptic feedback
  • examine the concept of "Dark UX" and how it can be used to manipulate user behaviour
  • study atomic design principles used to create consistent and scalable UI design systems
  • learn how to create reusable design components
  • study scientific research articles relating to user interface design and critically analyse them
  • learn how to use high-fidelity prototyping tools, such as Figma, to create design libraries for prototyping
  • explore how to design and test user interfaces for different contexts, and compare the effectiveness of different interface elements

By the end of the module, you will be able to:

  • demonstrate your ability to create effective UI designs
  • design libraries for high-fidelity prototyping
  • discuss the development of user interface designs for different contexts and purposes
  • explore how users interact with different types of interfaces
  • critically analyse research papers

Assignments / assessment

  • Dark UX poster presentation (30%)
  • design library (30%)
  • written exam (40%)

Teaching methods

You will learn by taking a hands-on approach. This will involve taking part in workshop and seminar sessions where you will be guided by module staff on different techniques that can be used to develop high-quality user interface designs.

Learning material is provided through videos, review notes, examples, and tutorial questions.


This module is available on following courses: