Honours Project module (CS41001)

Carry out a large, individual software development project using the knowledge gained throughout your studies.

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The aim of your Honours project is to give you experience in carrying out a large, independent software development project. This is the culmination of your years of study in computer science and brings together the knowledge and skills you have gained throughout your studies.

There is a wide range of project topics to choose from, which will allow you to select a project that is relevant to your future career plans or personal interests. Some projects may be more technical or research-oriented, while others are more user-centred. Every effort will be made to allocate you the project of your choice but this is not always possible.

A typical project consists of all stages of the software development lifecycle. You are responsible for the day-to-day management of your project. Your academic supervisor will offer guidance and monitor your progress in regular meetings.

What you will learn

In this module, you will:

  • identify and describe the aims, objectives, and requirements of your project
  • review any prior or related work related to your project
  • select and apply the tools and technologies needed for your project
  • develop a product, methodology, or solution to address the project objectives
  • test, evaluate, and critically appraise your solution
  • critically reflect upon your work
  • communicate the objectives, development process, and outcomes of your work

Throughout your project, you will demonstrate your ability to conduct a software development project, going through all stages of the software development lifecycle.

Assignments / assessment

  • mid-term report (5%)
  • final portfolio (95%)

The final portfolio consists of the following: a final report, appendices to the report, and a project presentation

This module does not have a final exam.

Teaching methods / timetable

There is no taught content in this module. You will work on an individual project under the guidance of your academic supervisor.

You are expected to engage in regular meetings with your supervisor to discuss your progress and plans. An additional weekly drop-in session is available for general enquiries or support.


This module is available on following courses: