Interiors & Interactions module (DJ21015)

Explore the likes of the body and its occupation of space and the tracking of human behaviours within space

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Through a series of projects, you will explore the likes of the body and its occupation of space.

You will also explore the tracking of human behaviours within space.

There will be an emphasis on developing a strong creative sketchbook-based research and design development process.

You will be introduced to:

  • skill-sets
  • spatial strategies
  • primary and secondary research methods

These will be necessary for designing new and existing buildings.

You will develop an understanding of historically significant and emerging spatial practices. These are integral to ways of working within the industry of interior/spatial design.

You will design a small-scale spatial experience. This will be supported by a short written narrative.

You will also take part in Life Drawing and CAD classes. You will also develop your analogue technical drawing skills.

What you will learn

In this module, you will:

  • consider the relationship between humans and space
  • discover creative research and investigation, concept, and ideas generation methods
  • develop drawing and modelling techniques (both analogue and digital)

By the end of this module, you will be able to:

  • visually document and communicate a creative research and design development process
  • apply appropriate 2D and 3D skills with spatial imagination
  • show interactive experiences for interiors through a design outcome for the built environment

Assignments / assessment

  • primary and secondary research (25%)
  • concept development approaches (25%)
  • quality and impact of your final presentation (40%)
  • critical writing (10%)

This module does not have a final exam.

Teaching methods / timetable

You will mainly learn within a creative studio environment where you will engage in:

  • individual/group tutorials
  • peer-to-peer learning

Other types of teaching can take place in:

  • lecture theatres
  • digital media labs, e.g. CAD classes
  • other studio settings, e.g. Life Drawing classes

workshops, e.g. wood workshops and digital making facilities


This module is available on following courses: