Comic Art & Graphic Novels module (DJ31017)

You will learn how to create your own 6-10 page finished comic and work upon your development as a professional in the comics field.

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You will explore comic creation practices and theory using interdisciplinary approaches, and to learn about different options for working professionally in the comics field, while developing your own short-form comic. You will get the chance to practise the skills using both traditional and digital methods. 

What you will learn

In this module, you will:

  • investigate Graphic Novels and Comic Art, looking at their history and development
  • learn and practice narrative skills, develop and understand storytelling techniques, and understand narrative elements
  • develop your drawing skills, layout, composition, perspective and pencilling techniques
  • learn and practice inking techniques, colouring and lettering skills
  • produce print ready artwork ready for self-publication.

By the end of this module, you will be able to:

  • demonstrate your ability to conduct self-motivated research, investigation and experimentation
  • maintain a personal record including notes and learning aids for the development of technical skills and competencies
  • critically appraise personal work and the work of peers
  • recognise and adopt the interpersonal skills necessary for successful management of the creative process
  • demonstrate the appropriate use of traditional and digital technology.

Assignments / assessment

You will submit two pieces of work

  • a 6-10 page finished comic
  • a 15-page reflective development sketchbook

Both will be assessed via the following criteria

  • knowledge of principles, methods and standards (33%)
  • level of production (33%)
  • depth of concept development, exploration and synthesis (34%)

This module does not have a final exam

Teaching methods / timetable

  • Weekly lectures
  • Practical demonstrations
  • Talks by invited guest speakers


This module is available on following courses: