MFA 1 module (DJ51033)

Enhance your art practice and research methods through studio and workshop investigation and development.

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The module aims to enhance your artistic practice and research methods through investigation and development within the broader framework of art, catering to a range of audiences. It will enhance your conceptual and technical skills relevant to your practice- and/or research-based inquiry, making you aware of relevant strategies and platforms from which to articulate your practice.

It will also develop your ability to engage in critical debate and discourse, and to reflect that ability in your practice and research.

What you will learn

In this module, you will:

  • develop appropriate methods of research and structured thinking, to enable the development of concepts and productive work in both creative and academic investigation
  • develop self-direction by planning, researching, and realizing an investigation into a topic of your own choosing, informed by academic research
  • advance and develop practical and technical skills to communicate visually complex ideas

By the end of this module, you will be able to:

  • demonstrate communication and other appropriate skills necessary to engage in collaborative and interdisciplinary research
  • exhibit your practice to an audience through a variety of forms, such as verbal, written, informal, and formal presentation
  • demonstrate a professional skillset that will be transferable into a significant number of roles and professional contexts

Assignments / assessment

  • production of a body of work (20%)
    • can be resolved or in progress
    • needs to demonstrate the development of skills
  • record of investigation (20%)
    • can be in the form of sketchbooks, blogs etc.
    • needs to demonstrate understanding of contexts, methods, media, and modes of production, and their application, relevant to your practice and research
  • demonstration of understanding of the conceptual and critical framework of your individual practice and research interests (20%)
  • evidence of knowledge of traditional, current, and emerging modes of practice (20%)
  • evidence of the ability to engage in critical debate and discussion about your practice and research interests (20%)

This module does not have a final exam.

Teaching methods / timetable

  • seminars
  • one-to-one tutorials
  • group tutorials
  • peer group learning
  • lectures


This module is available on following courses: