Changing Populations module (DJ51036)

Learn about the human lifespan and their changing capabilities and experiences in the context of design and/or a business context.

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Module code


Learn about the human lifespan and their changing capabilities and experiences in the context of design and/or a business context. Use different user research methods and consider ethics to help understand and empathise with the people for whom they are designing.

As you read this page, imagine what it will be like if you were blind or had poor vision? Or if you had arthritis, causing pain as you interact with a screen or keyboard?

We are living in an ageing world and with it comes health challenges. This affects how you interact with the world around you not just in terms of products and services but also socially and environmentally.

Understand why it is necessary to take a human-centred approach in Design and explore how you can design more inclusively for people - young or old, disabled or who are ill, both temporarily or permanently.

In this module, you will will learn about what is Inclusive Design and people's changing capabilities and experiences in the context of design. You will also be introduced to different user research methods and ethical considerations to help understand and empathise with the people for whom you are designing with/for.

You will work bring your knowledge and skills learned to address a project which involves engaging deeply with individual stakeholders and/or communities.

Assignments / assessment

  • design brief portfolio (60%)
  • evaluation report (35%)
  • reflective report (5%)

This module does not have a final exam.

Teaching methods / timetable

Learning and teaching will be by seminar, workshops, tutorial and studio crits (student presentations to the class group followed by formative feedback from tutors and class discussion). Project work may combine individual and team work.


This module is available on following courses: