Immersive Research Project 1 module (DJ52044)

Using the knowledge and skills gained from your studies, carry out a practice-led design project connected to health, care and wellbeing context.

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Module code


You will undertake individual or team primary and secondary research into the challenge or topic selected. You will undertake research within a health, care or wellbeing setting using research methods that you have learnt in other modules to understand the challenge or topic, and engage with stakeholders to understand their perceptions of the context. From the findings and insights gained, identify directions forward and exploring them in detail, develop a range of potential responses to the challenge leading to a prototype(s).

What you will learn

In this module, you will:

  • learn the importance of cross disciplinary learning and the value of different mind and skill-sets
  • take a reflective approach, continuously reflecting and critiquing your own work and that of your peers

At the end of the module, you should be able to:

  • demonstrate a clear and critical understanding of the context of the healthcare setting and associated ethical considerations
  • select and apply an appropriate range of research methods to identify, define and explore a situation or challenge in healthcare
  • integrate theory and practice through applying knowledge to develop and deliver design project which addresses a healthcare challenge
  • clearly and professionally communicate and promote your own practice and research visually and orally
  • conduct work in a professional manner demonstrating self-determination, resilience and ability to negotiate complex relationships and interactions with peers and external stakeholders
  • critically reflect on your learning and that of your peers

Assignments / assessment

  • 5000 word - written and illustrated report (50%)
  • presentation (50%)

Teaching methods / timetable

  • lectures
  • workshops
  • seminars
  • studio tutorials
  • critiques