Pedagogical Studies 1 (Year 1) module (ED12013)

An introduction to the theory and practice of education. This will allow you to become reflective and effective members of the teaching profession.

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You will learn the knowledge and skills to develop as reflective and effective members of the teaching profession. You will explore the role of the class teacher, both in the class and the wider school. This will take into account the management of effective teaching and learning.

You will learn detailed knowledge and skills to develop an understanding of the range and structure of the primary school curriculum. You will examine how children’s learning links to curricular provision. This will be done through the skills of planning and organising learning for class, group and individual.

You will begin preparation for professional placements in the primary classroom. Here you will apply your knowledge and skills into practice.

What you will learn

In this module, you will:

  • learn planning, assessment and evaluation
  • learn how to promote effective relationships
  • learn positive behaviour management strategies
  • develop skills in organisation and management of effective teaching and learning
  • learn theories of motivation in a classroom setting
  • learn differentiation and the inclusive practice
  • learn digital pedagogy
  • learn to understand child protection
  • develop an understanding of contexts for learning
  • develop skills in promoting talk and discussion in the classroom
  • develop an understanding of Makaton

By the end of this module you will be able to:

  • show an understanding of the primary school curriculum and its development
  • show an awareness of some of the basic elements of classroom management
  • show an awareness of the need for differentiation. You will also develop a consideration of some basic methods as applied in the primary classroom
  • show an ability to put in place short term planning and assessment techniques for effective teaching
  • show an ability to test professionally relevant literature for continuing professional development
  • gain insights on current national educational priorities
  • apply this knowledge in a school-based context. This will be grounded in the values of the General Teaching Council for Scotland's Standards for Provisional Registration

Assignments / assessment

  • 2000 word essay (100%)

This module does not have a final exam

Teaching methods / timetable

  • lectures
  • seminars
  • workshops
  • invited speakers
  • online learning


This module is available on following courses: