Learning and Teaching for Equity and Wellbeing module (ED31014)

You will understand the complex relationships that exist between inclusion, wellbeing, and equity

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Module code


Equity in education aims to create a fair approach for all children and young people. It aims to support those who need it the most.

Developing teachers who understand equity will be able to create a learning environment that is more inclusive. This in turn has a positive impact on the wellbeing of young people.

As part of this module, you will explore ways of teaching that remove barriers and include all young people.

You will identify areas of the curriculum and methods of teaching where you can adopt more inclusive approaches. This will be done by engaging in dialogue with your peers.

You will engage in reflective writing through the module. This will support the articulation of your professional identity.

What you will learn

In this module, you will:

  • learn to develop a critical knowledge and understanding of equity. You will also examine supporting policies
  • understand the socio-political climate. You will explore the concept of social justice and understand how this connects with wider issues of inclusion and wellbeing
  • adopt a rights-based approach. You will have the opportunity to develop the skills and attributes to address the barriers that young people face. You will have the opportunity to consider relevant pedagogies for equity
  • learn about transformative approaches to learning and teaching. You will explore a range of pedagogies that are inclusive. This will help prepare you to create a learning environment that meets the needs of diverse learners
  • develop positive and caring relationships. This is the foundation for meaningful learning for all children and young people
  • explore and develop your own professional identity. You will do this by reflecting on practice, bias, belief, and values that underpin your practice

By the end of this module, you will be able to:

  • understand how complex societal issues affect the types of barriers that young people may face in learning
  • address ways that schools can address the injustice
  • teach in a way that is inclusive for all young people
  • create classrooms where children and young people feel like they belong
  • understand your own lived experience and professional values that underpin your practice

Assignments / assessment

  • podcast (40%)
  • 1,500-word essay (60%)

This module does not have a final exam.

Teaching methods / timetable

  • lectures
  • workshops
  • seminars


This module is available on following courses: