Control and Dynamical Systems II module (EG40004)

Explore advanced techniques in control engineering and dynamical systems. Learn linear, nonlinear and digital control design for real-world applications

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The principal aim of this module is to give the students a good working knowledge of the tools and techniques for advanced control system analysis and design.  

This encompasses linear and nonlinear systems.  Linear continuous analysis and design methods include Bode and Nyquist techniques including compensation, root locus and pole placement.  With a substantial proportion of industrial control being computer based, the module also aims to introduce students to sampled data systems, digital control system theory and its implementation. The whole is backed up by the use of MATLAB/SIMULINK and its toolboxes for analysis, design and simulation.

This module is a continuation of the module EG32001 (Control and Dynamical Systems I) and encompasses the principles and methodologies for designing control systems across linear, nonlinear, and digital domains, aiming to regulate and stabilize dynamic systems.

What you will learn

In this module, you will:

  • understand modelling and design of linear control systems.
  • understand modelling of systems
  • have a basic understanding and modelling of systems
  • have practical experience trough simulation in MatLab and SimuLink

By the end of the module you should be able to:

  • have gained advanced knowledge on the principles of control and dynamical systems analysis and design
  • understand the way linear controllers affect the behaviour of linear plant in feedback control configurations
  • recognise the effects of non-linearities
  • have the basic philosophy of frequency-response-based compensation techniques
  • sample affects the behaviour of linear control systems
  • use of computers in control system analysis and design

Assignments / assessment:

  • Laboratory report - (20%)
  • Written exam - (80%)

Teaching methods / timetable:

  • Seminars
  • Laboratories
  • Interactive tutorials

As a 15 credit module there are 150 hours nominally allocated to the content delivery. This includes around 64 hours of seminars or tutorials and 24 hours of practical workshops. 62 hours are left for independent learning and preparation and submission of reports and examination.


This module is available on following courses: