Introduction to Literary Study module (EN11001)

Learn how to read and analyse poetry, drama, and prose like a critic

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This module will introduce you to university-level work in Literary Studies. We focus on the three main genres of drama, poetry, and the novel, using examples from various times in literary history. The reading ranges from Shakespeare to spoken poetry, from Virginia Woolf to Octavia Butler, to name but a few of the many authors we study.

Learn how to read a poem as a literature student. Discover how we analyse and interpret plays. Find out how to do a close reading of novels and short stories. Discover how we identify and analyse key features of literature such as imagery, meter, dialogue, staging, plot, and character.

What you will learn

In this module, you will:

  • learn how to analyse poetry, drama, and fiction at university level
  • learn how to write essays using the language and conventions of academic writing

By the end of this module, you will be able to:

  • identify and analyse a range of techniques that authors use
  • write essays at the appropriate level, using academic conventions

Assignments / assessment:

  • 1,500 word close reading essay (40%)
  • 1,500 word close reading essay (40%)
  • Online quiz (20%)

This module does not have a final exam.

Teaching methods / timetable:

  • two weekly lectures
  • one weekly tutorial


This module is available on following courses: