Research in Practice module (GE52030)

Apply research design and methods skills to a 'real world' issue

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This module provides an opportunity to put research skills into practice, doing a short research project on a 'real world' issue identified by a non-academic external organisation.

What you will learn

In this module you will:

  • apply academic knowledge and skills to engage with real world research issue or problem
  • design and undertake a short research project to examine the issue, using appropriate data collection methods and analysis
  • liaise with the external organisation to identify the key aspects of the issue, and how best to communicate the findings to achieve impact

By the end of this module, you will be able to:

  • demonstrate a critical understanding of how to apply academic research skills to real world issues in practice
  • design and undertake a short independent research project
  • communicate research findings to a non-academic audience
  • develop creative responses to challenges set by the research project
  • demonstrate initiative
  • critically reflect on undertaking an independent research project

Assignments / assessment

  • reflective research diary - two selected entries, 500 words each (20%)
  • project presentation - 15 minutes, plus 5 minutes for questions (20%)
  • project report - 3,000 words (60%)

Teaching methods / timetable

  • lectures
  • tutorials


This module is available on following courses: