Principles and Methods of Psychological Therapy module (GM50028)

Develop a critical understanding of the general principles underlying change processes and cognitive behavioural techniques applied in therapy

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This module explores some of the most common mental health problems in depth. You will develop an understanding of how those problems have evolved, the ways of diagnosing them, and current evidence-based treatment using a cognitive behavioural therapy approach. The module increases awareness of more severe and complex mental health problems so they can be recognised in practice. It also builds on previous modules to look at other complexities (such as presentations alongside long term conditions or in the perinatal period), comorbid diagnoses, and condition-specific models to improve understanding.

What you will learn

In this module, you will:

  • learn to assess for specific mental health conditions using diagnostic criteria
  • understand the strengths and weaknesses of diagnostic classification systems
  • aim to understand how each of those conditions develop
  • implement treatment plans using a cognitive behavioural therapy approach
  • learn ways of monitoring the outcome of treatment using questionnaires
  • recognise disorders that are outside the competencies created by this course and develop an awareness of professional boundaries.

By the end of this module, you will be able to:

  • assess and diagnose common mental health problems
  • understand the complexity behind mental health conditions
  • treat common mental health problems using Cognitive Behavioural Therapy
  • monitor the outcome of treatment
  • understand when not to treat and refer on to another service

Assignments / assessment

  • coursework (100%)
    • case report 4,500 words
    • a pass (50% of scale total) on the Cognitive Therapy Scale -Revised (CTS-R)
    • pass grade on a practical assessment of clinical competence on placement

This module does not have a final exam

Teaching methods / timetable

You will learn through skills workshops in University teaching blocks and through practical experience on NHS placement.

Learning material is provided through:

  • lectures
  • demonstrations
  • group work
  • online modules videos
  • supervision sessions



This module is available on following courses: