Applied Epidemiology module (GM52017)

Learn to design, analyse, interpret, and write up a study in which the analysis of the distribution, patterns, and determinants of disease are undertaken

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This module supports the development of transferable skills, which will enable you to design, analyse, interpret, and write up an epidemiological study.

Applied epidemiology is the study and application of epidemiological methods to control and prevent health problems and outbreaks in populations.

This module provides you with the skills to design, analyse, interpret, and write up a study in which the analysis of the distribution (i.e. who, when, and where), patterns, and determinants of disease are undertaken.

What you will learn

In this module, you will:

  • critically appraise the literature
  • perform a critical synthesis of evidence
  • develop appropriate research questions
  • describe the methods used to set up a UK study that would have generated the database that you have been given
  • use a statistical package to complete the analysis of the study
  • develop a succinct study and research Journal article

By the end of this module, you will be able to:

  • acquire and demonstrate a knowledge of the fundamental principles of epidemiology, statistics an research methods
  • locate and critically appraise appropriate literature, critically synthesise evidence
  • generate a written epidemiological report suitable for publication
  • generate statistical models that illustrate meaningful application of epidemiological principles
  • use supporting statistical software
  • create tables, figures and diagrams from raw datasets to communicate the study results in a concise manner

Assignments / assessment

  • written assignment (90%)
  • class performance (10%)

This module does not have a final exam.

Teaching methods / timetable

  • lectures (face-to-face)
  • online resources
  • practical classes
  • tutorials

Taught sessions are followed by individual verbal formative feedback.


This module is available on following courses: