History Dissertation module (HY40001)

This module aims to provide students with the opportunity to undertake supervised, independent research into a topic of their choice.

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Your history research dissertation represents the culmination of your undergraduate studies. It is your chance to do historical research using primary sources and saying something new about the past.

The dissertation is 10,000 words in length and is a challenging but rewarding experience. It gives you opportunities to use the skills and techniques you have mastered during your degree by applying them to a research topic of your choosing and design. You will work with a supervisor who will discuss your research and who will advise you about locating and using primary sources.

What you will learn

In this module you will:

  • offer your interpretation of a body of evidence and attempt to say something new about your topic
  • work with a supervisor from the staff of the history programme
  • produce a new piece of historical research which you have designed and sourced in the archives
  • gain insight into handling a major writing project

By the end of the module, you will be able to:

  • apply research skills you have learned during your degree
  • write a new piece of historical research
  • organise your time well
  • demonstrate in the dissertation your skills as a historian

Assignments / assessment

  • dissertation 10,000 words (80%)
  • Viva voce examination (20%)

This module does not have a final exam.

Teaching methods / timetable

  • The module is structured through regular one-to-one meetings with your dissertation supervisor (usually in the offices of the History teaching staff or online when necessary).  
  • Visits to the University Library and University Archives when possible

There are no lectures or seminars on this module


This module is available on following courses: