Fascist Italy module (HY42048)

Politics and society during the years of fascist dictatorship in Italy (1922-1945).

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On this module, you will explore the history of the first fascist regime in the world – Mussolini’s Italy (1922-45). This is a fascinating historical period, in which an oppressive dictatorial regime attempted to recast both Italy and the Italians themselves in a new nationalistic and militaristic mould.

During the module, you will learn about how and why fascism rose so rapidly to power during the turbulent and violent aftermath of World War One; years in which Italy was effectively in the grip of a bloody civil war.

You will then go on to learn about a series of aspects regarding the social, political, and cultural history of the regime, including:

  • ideology
  • the use of propaganda
  • policies and ideas about race, class, gender, and sexuality
  • the reasons for the regime's durability and the thorny question of who did (and who did not) support it
  • the ways in which political opponents and 'undesirables' were treated
  • foreign and imperial policy
  • the downfall of the regime, in the context of the Second World War

What you will learn

In this module, you will:

  • engage with ideas from the society and culture of a foreign country, by studying a formative period of its history

By the end of this module, you will:

  • have acquired knowledge about the society, politics, and culture of Italy under fascism
  • have studied some of the very rich and vibrant historiography that has been written (and continues to be written) about this controversial area of European history
  • have honed your ability to read effectively and critically, and synthesise information from a variety of sources
  • have improved your ability to think and argue logically and persuasively both in writing and orally
  • have enhanced your ability to use and critically evaluate primary sources

Assignments / assessment

  • presentation (15%)
  • essay (35%)
  • module journal (50%)

This module does not have a final exam.

Teaching methods / timetable

  • seminars
  • lectures

The module is taught primarily by seminars, in which the main focus will be on discussions about what you have read. There will also be some lectures to help you orientate your way through the material.

You will get a chance for group work in jointly researched student presentations (for which, nonetheless, your mark will be individual). In some sessions, we will use some primary sources (including visual ones) but the main focus is on historiography.


This module is available on following courses: