Debates and Issues in Scottish History: Sources, Interpretations and Arguments module (HY51042)

Explore the key themes and debates that have defined historical debate of the Scottish nation as it developed in the modern period

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This is the core module within the MLitt Scottish History by distance learning programme. You will explore the key themes and debates that have defined historical debate of the Scottish nation as it developed in the modern period. With its focus on the period from 1707 to the later decades of the twentieth century, this module analyses social, political, cultural, and environmental approaches to national history. Students will gain insight and understanding of the Scottish nation within the United Kingdom, the British Empire and the wider Diaspora.

What you will learn

In this module you will:

  • explore areas of debate where issues of interpretation have strongly influenced both, public and academic insight
  • explore debates and issues of the monarchical and political union of Great Britain
  • interpret Scotland’s experience of emigration, climate change, tourism, and leisure as part of historiographical traditions that are much stronger externally, in relation to other nations, than they are at home

By the end of this module, you will be able to:

  • use a strong knowledge of key historical debates in your academic work
  • be ready to tackle the specialised modules on the MLitt Scottish History programme
  • understand how historians use evidence and theory to construct interpretation
  • undertake academic research, debate, and writing

Assignments / assessment

  • close reading 1,000 words (20%)
  • book proposal 1,000 words (20%)
  • module participation (10%)
  • final essay 4,000 words (50%)

This module does not have a final exam.

Teaching methods / timetable

Teaching is conducted online and asynchronously.

Learning material is provided through:

  • text-based introductions to each topic
  • recorded presentations
Week Topic

Unit 1: From Union to Union

  • Union of 1707
  • Symbols and Anniversaries of Union

Unit 2: An Inflammable People

  • Jacobite uprisings
  • Policing and Local Governance
  • Outsiders and Sectarianism

Unit 3: Emigration

  • Capitalism, industrialisation and the conditions left behind
  • Imperial migration
  • Diasporic Identity

Unit 4: Natural and Built Environment

  • Weather and Meteorology
  • Towns and Cities
  • Landscape and Identity

Unit 5: Time Away From Work

  • Tourism
  • Leisure and Sport
6 Unit 6: Conclusion
The future of Scottish History