Applied Toxicology and Drug Analysis module (LV51003)

You will apply the principles of analytical chemistry, pharmacology, and legislation to case studies in toxicology

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Whilst working in the field of toxicology, it is important to know how to correctly interpret the results of analysis.

In legal cases, interpretations can influence judicial decisions and the assignment of responsibility.

In clinical settings, interpretation of results guides treatment plans and patient care.

In workplace drug-testing scenarios, correct interpretations ensure fair evaluation of employees while maintaining safety standards.

This advanced module allows you to explore in further detail aspects of forensic, clinical, and workplace drug testing. It builds upon the foundational content of the PGCert by applying the knowledge you learnt during your three previous modules to different case scenarios.

What you will learn

In this module, you will:

  • understand the principles of case interpretation and the role of alcohol legislation in criminal cases related to alcohol and drug use
  • understand the principles of alcohol biomarker determination and its use in interpreting cases related to alcohol use
  • develop technical defences for cases related to alcohol and drug use, based on the scientific principles of toxicology
  • evaluate the role of poly-substance use in cases related to alcohol and drug use

By the end of this module, you will be able to:

  • critically appraise specialist literature and effective communication of complex scientific information
  • design and produce a visually appealing and informative poster that effectively communicates a specific topic or message to a target audience

Assignments / assessment

  • case study (60%)
  • presentation & oral defence (40%)

This module does not have a final exam.

Teaching methods / timetable

Learning and teaching will take place on our virtual learning environment, My Dundee.

Lectures will be prerecorded allowing you to learn at your own pace and will be supported by online live sessions, tutorials, discussion boards, reading lists, and self-assessment tools.


This module is available on following courses: