Space Law module (LW32043)

Explore space regulation, international treaties, domestic laws, space tourism, airspace boundaries, and jurisdiction

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Discover space regulation through international and domestic frameworks, including its history and key treaties.

Topics cover the origin of Space Law, UK frameworks, space tourism rules, airspace boundaries, celestial body laws, and relevant jurisdictional issues.

What you will learn

In this module you will:

  • understand the regulation of outer space through global and domestic frameworks
  • understand the international legal rules and principles which apply to activities in outer space
  • explore the history of Space Law and its evolution from the 1967 Outer Space Treaty
  • analyse space tourism, airspace boundaries, and laws for celestial bodies
  • examine current or potential issues with jurisdiction

By the end of this module, you will be able to:

  • comprehend and discuss the regulatory control governing the use of outer space
  • understand and discuss the 1967 Outer Space Treaty
  • discuss space tourism and its related implications
  • examine the existing status of airspace boundaries through discussion
  • demonstrate a knowledge of how legal frameworks regulate activities in outer space
  • grasp how legal principles can be applied in activities conducted within outer space

Assignments / assessment

  • one applied assignment (40%)
  • one analytical or reflective essay or report (60%)

This module does not have a final exam.

Teaching methods / timetable

  • seminars
  • lectures
  • independent study

Teaching will take place through a series of seminars.

This module is available at Levels 3 and 4. You are only able to take one version of this module. Your adviser of studies will help you choose.


This module is available on following courses: