Medical Law (Adv) module (LW41046)

Provides an overview of law and ethics, policy, and practice within medical law as it relates to medical negligence, ethical controversies, and patient rights

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This module provides an overview of the most important areas of medical law.

Topics covered in this module include:

  • medical ethics
  • consent to treatment
  • medical confidentiality
  • treatment of infertility, disability, and bioethics
  • treating children

What you will learn

In this module you will:

  • learn of the theoretical concepts, legal principles, and ethics that influence and shape the various medical laws
  • learn of the controversies that have shaped the various medical laws and understand their impact on the law and policies
  • develop the skills to undertake independent research using appropriate primary and secondary sources

By the end of this module, you will be able to:

  • critically assess the law regarding primary and secondary sources and identify any problems with the current law
  • formally and informally present mainstream ideas and concepts in law
  • exercise autonomy and initiative
  • work in a team by sharing knowledge with peers while being aware of your role and the roles of others in the team

Assignments / assessment

  • Coursework 1 (40%)
  • Coursework 2 (60%)

This module does not have a final exam.

Teaching methods / timetable

This module will be delivered through a combination of student-led seminars and independent study. You will be expected to read prior to sessions for a high level of engagement.

You will also be expected to prepare answers to questions set for each seminar. This preparation will form the basis for all the seminar discussions.

This module is available at Levels 3 and 4. You are only able to take one version of this module. Your adviser of studies will help you choose.


This module is available on following courses: